Your wishes and our quality standards are at the heart of everything we do. Our goal: GUARANTEED. We build on quality. With experience. See the process, budget and quality of materials. The aim is to create a product that is “worth the price” in the true sense of the word. We plan reliably and select the most suitable partners for this. The schedule and project flow are the path we take together with our customers. And we take the end dates and milestones very seriously. Because the best results are based on good cooperation. And this is the result of meticulous planning and the conscientious completion of your building project.
Dobler-MBM’s daily business includes high-quality aluminium, glass and steel facades. The individualised implementation of customer requirements is at the centre of everything we do. The results are customised and high-quality element facades, mullion and transom facades, structural glazing facades, curtain facades, rear-ventilated facades and much more.
Customised and filigree roof constructions and skylights, especially made of glass, are without doubt one of Dobler-MBM’s trademarks.
It does not matter whether the design of a dome construction or a retractable glass roof is required. Dobler-MBM discusses the technical feasibility in accordance with the desired architecture and implements this in compliance with the state-of-the-art control functions.
To make the most of daylight and create a feel-good atmosphere through indirect room lighting, Dobler-MBM enhances the windows and doors manufactured in its own production halls with intelligent daylighting systems. Only products and services from the most renowned manufacturers in Europe are used.
Whether it’s burglar-resistant, bullet-proof, explosion-resistant constructions or technically highly complex components – Dobler-MBM develops and completes glass and metal custom constructions and turns YOUR project into a prototype.
As a renowned manufacturer of aluminium and steel windows and doors, Dobler-MBM designs, manufactures and installs windows and doors with the characteristic features of self-contained systems for all types of opening in any combination and divisions, taking the sophisticated design into account.
Dobler-MBM completes the innovative facade construction with point-fixed glass facades. The point supports used transfer the loads to a separate supporting structure, which can be installed either directly behind the glass surface or detached from it.
Seit 1964 planen, entwickeln und realisieren wir hochwertige, maßgeschneiderte und zukunftsweisende Fassaden. Aus Glas und Metall. Mit viel Sensibilität und Kreativität. Und der Leidenschaft, in jedem Projekt eine besondere und faszinierende Lösung zu finden. Ein Original. Neben unserer Kreativität kommt eines hinzu: unser Verständnis, die Ideen bis zur letzten Schraube zu realisieren. In Perfektion – mit dem Blick für machbares und sinnvolles. Mit der Bereitschaft, Termine vereinbarungsgemäß einzuhalten.
Getreu der Maxime: Dobler-MBM ist nicht zu groß für kleine Projekte und nicht zu klein für große Projekte!